Publicações originárias do ELDEL (WP1) e dos projetos MABEL:
Caravolas, M.; Lervåg, A.; Mikulajová, M., Defior, S.; Seidlová Málková, G.; & Hulme, C. (2019). A cross-linguistic, longitudinal study of the foundations of decoding and reading comprehension ability. Scientific Studies of Reading, Online First. doi:
Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. (2019). MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy: Approaches to Literacy Testing Across Languages. Final Program Forty Seventh Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 25, S1, 158-160 DOI:
Caravolas, M. (2019). Universals and specifics of reading development in European languages. Cross Cultural Perspectives on Reading Disabilities. Final Program Forty Seventh Annual Meeting International Neuropsychological Society. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 25, S1, 231 DOI:
Caravolas, M. (2017). Growth of Word and Pseudoword Reading Efficiency in Alphabetic Orthographies: Impact of Consistency. Journal of Learning Disabilities,
Caravolas, M.; Lervåg, A.; Defior, S.; Seidlová Málková, G.; & Hulme, C. (2013) Different patterns, but equivalent predictors, of growth in reading in consistent and inconsistent orthographies. Psychological Science, 24, 1398-1407. (Disponível online)
Caravolas, M.; Lervåg, A.; Mousikou, P.; Efrim, C.; Litavsky, M.; Onochie-Quintanilla, E.; Salas, N.; Schöffelová, M.; Defior, S.; Mikulajová, M.; Seidlová-Málková G.; & Hulme, C. (2012). Common patterns of prediction of literacy development in different alphabetic orthographies. Psychological Science, 23(6), 678-686. (Disponível online)
Outputs adicionais
Mikulajová, M. (2019). MABEL – multijazyková batéria testov ranej gramotnosti, založená na dôkazoch [MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy – An evidence-based tool]. Psychológia a patopsychológia dieťaťa, 53, 2019, 2, 134–146.
Salas, N., & Caravolas, M. (2019). Dimensionality of early writing in English and Spanish. Journal of Literacy Research, 51, 272-292.
Onochie-Quintanilla, E., Defior, S. A., & Simpson, I. C. (2019). RAN and orthographic processing: What can syllable frequency tell us about this relationship? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 182, 1-17.
Onochie-Quintanilla, E., Defior, S. & Simpson, I. C. (2017). Visual Multi-Element Processing as a Pre-Reading Predictor of Decoding Skill. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 134–148.
Conferências e simpósios sobre a MABEL
Março 29, 2019 Keynote: Caravolas, M. Prédire le développement des habiletés en lecture et en écriture à travers les langues européennes: Effets de la consistance orthographique. 44th Congress of the Institut des Troubles d’Apprentissage, Montreal, Canadá.
Fevereiro 21, 2019 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy: Approaches to Literacy Testing Across Languages. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Nova Iorque.
Fevereiro 22, 2019 Invited Symposium: Caravolas, M. Universals and specifics of reading development in European languages. Cross Cultural Perspectives on Reading Disabilities. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, New York City.
Fevereiro 2, 2019 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy. Miles Dyslexia Centre Workshop for Specialist Dyslexia Teachers, Bangor, UK
Janeiro 30, 2019 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., & Seidlová Málková. G. MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy. Literacy Across Different Languages, University of Coventry, Coventry
Novembro, 1-3, 2018 Invited Symposium: Caravolas, M. Spelling development of children learning consistent and inconsistent orthographies. ELN COST – 1st Literacy Summit, Porto, Portugal
Novembro, 1-3, 2018 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy. ELN COST – 1st Literacy Summit, Porto, Portugal
Outubro, 11-13, 2018 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. MABEL – Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy. 16th International speech therapy conference of the Slovak Association of Logopeds, Novy Smokovec, Slovakia
Setembro, 26, 2018 Symposium: Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. Diagnosis of early literacy skills from a cross-linguistic perspective – The MABEL test battery. Early Reading: I read and become a reader Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Teses de Doutoramento
Onochie-Quintanilla, E. Cognitive precursors to reading skill acquisition in Spanish. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2016. []. Doctoral Thesis
Salas, N. (2013). Early development of text writing in two contrasting orthographies: English and Spanish. Bangor University. Doctoral Thesis
Schöffelová, M. (2013). Porozumění syntaktickým strukturám u dětí mladšího školního věku. Disertační práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta. 180 s. [Understanding syntactic structures of children of early school age. Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Education. 180 pgs. Doctoral Thesis.]
Sobre a MABEL no mundo
Um vídeo introdutório sobre o projeto MABEL e a bateria
Entrevista, em Espanhol, realizada pela Dr.ª Bárbara Gotheil (Grupo Indago, Argentina) à Prof.ª Sylvia Defior sobre a criação do instrumento de testagem MABEL
Vídeo curto realizado por Alica Ondrášová (Universidade Comenius, Eslováquia) sobre a MABEL