Picture-Word Matching

This is a 3-minute test of silent single-word reading efficiency. Skilled performance requires knowledge of each depicted vocabulary item and sufficient decoding ability to distinguish between its four corresponding printed word options.

Age range

The test is suitable for children in Reception Year to Year 4. It is suitable for individual as well as group administration.

Scoring silent reading efficiency

The main index of silent word reading efficiency is the number of correctly selected responses within 3 minutes.

Error Analysis

Error analysis allows administrators to gauge a child’s misreading tendencies. The error patterns may reflect partial (but insufficient) decoding skill, insufficient knowledge of the depicted vocabulary items, poor visual picture recognition and/or weak visual attention/search skills.


Current UK grade norms are available for Reception Year, Year 1 and Year 2.

Materials for administration

Stopwatch, Picture Word Matching Test Booklet, Administrator’s Booklet

Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date test version:

Test Version: 1

Norm Version: 3

Updated: 01.06.19

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