RAN – Letters
Caravolas, M., Mikulajová, M., Defior, S., & Seidlová Málková, G. (2018). Multilanguage Assessment Battery of Early Literacy. MABEL. https://www.eldel-mabel.net/test/
For more MABEL citation and reference information please click here
This test measures naming speed of letter items, that is, of visually presented items that require alphabet knowledge. More specifically, this test measures the ability to quickly and fluently produce verbal labels for highly familiar alphabet letters.
Age range
Because it is an alphanumeric test, it is appropriate for Year 1 and 2 children (in fact, this test can be used to older age groups through to adulthood). It is not appropriate for most Reception Year pupils.
Scoring: speed, errors
Speed: Naming speed is obtained by averaging the number of seconds taken to name the full set of letters across two trials.
Errors: The error rate is obtained by averaging the number of incorrectly named and skipped letters across two trials. Note, error rates are only considered qualitatively as these are usually very low.
Current English norms for naming speed are available for children in Years 1 and 2.
Materials for administration
Recording device, Stopwatch, RAN Letters Practice and Test Card, RAN Letters Scoresheet
Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date test version:
Test Version: 2
Norm Version: 1
Updated: 23.02.2021
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